Posted by Lori:
I realize Christmas is over, but I wanted to go ahead and post these two ideas for Christmas countdowns, so that those who might be interested would have them for next year. By the time I thought to take pictures of them, it was too late for this year, anyway.This first countdown was made by Mom. She made Kimberly and I both one. It's the first thing my children did when they wake up each morning from December 1 until the 25th - move the little gingerbread man from the bottom, up, counting down the days until Christmas.
This countdown is made out of felt. Mom sewed some of it and used hot glue for some of it. There is a small gingerbread man attached to the long ribbon, which is used for the countdown.
This countdown was made by my mother-in-law when my oldest three children were little. It's a storage box. You may can find them at hardware stores, but I'm not sure. I found some online by searching for "25 drawer storage containers".
Each box contains a strip of construction paper cut in a long "U" shape to fit arount the drawer. And then, of course, the numbers are painted on the outside of each drawer. My mother-in-law put little Christmas-themed items in each for each child. Some of the items were small wrapped candies, mini ornaments, mini decorations. We used this countdown for many years. I saved some of the mini items from her original things, but added new candy each year.
Maybe this will inspire you to create a Christmas countdown for next year!