Thursday, November 25, 2010

How to Cook a Turkey (a 1st grader's recipe)


Posted by Lori:

Just in case you don't know how to cook a turkey, this is a recipe according to our youngest son, Tyler.  He wrote this last year, when he was in the 1st grade.  His teacher put together a Thanksgiving cookbook with all of the student's recipe for cooking a turkey.  They were hilarious!

by Tyler

10 pounds of dressing
9 cups of juice
One 20 pound turkey
9 eggs
20 cups of milk


Go shoot a turkey. Then take the skin off. Then you can use the feathers to decorate something. Wash the turkey off in the sink with some water. Put the clean turkey in a big, big pan. Put all of the dressing on top of the turkey. Bake the 9 eggs and then put them in the turkey. Then pour water on the eggs and that will make mush to go in the turkey. Take a little spoon and get some dressing out, then pour the milk where the dressing was. Then put the dressing back where it goes. If you want to put the feathers on when you're not eating it you can, then when you are gonna eat it take them off. Put the pan in the oven. Don't cover it cause the feathers might get hot. Cook the turkey and feathers for about 30 minutes. Then taste it and look at it to see if it's done. When your mom yells "It's ready!!!" then it is prolly done. Then take the turkey out of the oven and put it in the middle of the table. Take the bones out. Throw the bones to the dog. Have your dad cut it up and put it on your plate. Eat the turkey after you say a prayer. After you eat, take all your Thanksgiving stuff down and get ready for Christmas.
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Caroline said...

That is too cute, so innocently funny!! I just love it. That would so cute to print out for placemats or something for the kids table at Thanksgiving....Just for them to get a good laugh.

Mrs. T.
Acorn Hollow

Unknown said...

That is a great idea! Thank you Mrs. T. :) Lori from 3CherryCokes.

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