Thursday, September 13, 2012

Really Good Tilapia you remember my daughters friend that made us crepes recently?  Well, it turns out he can cook tilapia, too!  He shared the recipe with me and I stole the pictures :).  He named the recipe and it sounded good to me!

I look forward to trying out this new, healthy dish, don't you?  Thanks, Caleb!

Caleb's directions:

With the tilapia....get a glass platter and line it with foil.  Get as many tilapia as you're cooking.

Put as many as can fill the bottom.

Pour lemon depending on how you like it (I usually drench it. I love the lemon.)

Then use a citrus powder and a Montreal Steak Grinder (Made by McCormick) onto it and that adds the ultimate taste mix.

Layer it as many as you want.  We do 5  - 3 on bottom 2 on top, repeating all ingredients.
(You want a lot of lemon if you're doing a lot of them.  It'll flavor it a lot.)

Put zucchini all around the fish and put Mrs. Dash on them around them and a small bit on the top of the tilapia.

Put some tomato or something into it... you'll get alot of the veggie flavor into them so if you like squash put it in there. 

Cook at 360 degrees for 20-ish minutes and it'll be epic!

You can also eat the veggies the veggies are really tasty too.

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1 comment:

Wa Wa Waughs said...

Trying this one - we try to eat fish once a week and tilapia is one of our favorites!

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