I've been out of town visiting my sister, so don't have a recipe to share with you today; however, she showed me something she had done that I wanted to share with you. Sorry I don't have pictures, but just picture it in your mind, okie dokie???! :)
She bought a $20 dress from Walmart and switched out the cheap-looking white buttons with more expensive-looking gold buttons. It was sooooooo cute and what a great idea! She read it on another blog somewhere.
So, next time you go shopping, take the time to think about how you could makeover the piece of clothing. Quite possibly just a few extra dollars spent, as well as a little bit of time, will make a huge difference in the item's appeal to you. Or maybe there is something in your closet that could use a makeover. Make something old look new again!

1 comment:
So resourceful! I bet those buttons dressed it up a lot. I think I've only done this once, and it was because an outfit I got on sale was missing a button.
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