This past Saturday was a baby shower for a sweet couple who are expecting their first child. The church showered them with lots of love and gifts. Showers always make me think of the scripture "Rejoice with those who rejoice...." Romans 12:15.
Our congregation has been blessed with lots of babies this year! So that means lots of decorating for baby showers for me! :) I don't mind at all, of course!
I was really excited about doing an owl shower, but realized quickly that most of the owl decor is directed towards girls. At first this baby was thought to be a girl, but a few weeks ago, the couple found out it was a boy!
I found these wooden owl shapes at Michaels, covered them with burlap and scrapbook paper - making the owl's features. The baby's room is going to be owls and trees, so I had everything all worked out....or so I thought.....
My husband spent Friday afternoon cutting big tree limbs for me to use for the shower, but when I went to the building to decorate that evening, the limb's leaves were all wilted. I thought they would last for at least a day, but they didn't. Maybe it was just that particular tree. So one to plan greenery.
These cute owl napkins were a little bright for the color scheme, but I couldn't resist them! So cute!
If you keep up with this blog often, you'll remember my burlap wreath. Here it is being used - yet again - for another purpose! I like things like that!
This sweet lady has been writing shower poems for many years. She puts a little humor into them and it is such a special keepsake for the couples and their child. I have one she wrote for my wedding shower.
Isn't this knitted, stuffed owl adorable???! What a fun gift for baby and mother!
Babies are blessings from God!