I always enjoy visiting Mom and Dad's house, but Christmas Day and this weekend I noticed just how pretty and "homey" it really was.
She has lots of antique things that have been passed down from my grandparents and even great-grandparents, but also lots of things that have been give to her through the years.
I decided to share some of the sweet and sentimental pictures with you...just to brag on her....because I know she never would!
I'll give Dad some credit, because I have heard that he's pretty good at helping her straighten up and even clean some! I don't think he would get any of the decorating credit, though :).
These little snowmen were gifts from one of her piano students a few years ago. They've got a vintage style. So unique!
When my sister was born, it was at a time when children couldn't visit in the hospital. I bought her a sock money and sent it up with my grandma. Since then, I've always liked sock monkeys! Mom's sock monkey is so sweet!
So thankful mom and dad have these pictures of my grandparents and great-grandparents!
This gingerbread tree has pretty much been the way my mom's tree has looked for almost all of my life! There have been a few ornament additions, but not too many. I remember mom sewing the little felt gingerbread men when I was little. This year she made Kimberly (sister) and I a set of our very own! She didn't want us to fight over hers some day (hee hee!).
This light-up snowman reminds me of the Snoopy we had when I was little.
Light up reindeer....
Our family's stockings at my parent's house.
Kimberly and I made mom and dad these stockings several years ago. Search "stockings" on our homepage to find out how we made them. (She gets most of the credit. Sewing's not my thing :).
More of the stockings....
More displays of Christmas.
So cute and simple!
Mom found this little metal red truck at Hobby Lobby. For Christmas, it held metal cookie cutters. The bell lights were my grandma's (I'm pretty sure).
More of the sock monkey tree.
Mom's handmade felt gingerbread men.
Thanks for the special Christmas memories of 2011, Mom and Dad!
We love you and appreciate you both!

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