This recipe originally came from the J.P.'s Big Daddy Biscuits recipe I have posted on here from It's a great recipe. However, every time I made it, I needed to reduce the milk in it and the last time I made them....a few days ago....I didn't have any shortening, so used butter. We all liked them even better! So, here is my new recipe - with less milk, butter, and also I use more sugar than he originally had. This recipe is a double batch, so makes about 18 biscuits.
4 cups all-purpose flour
2 tablespoon baking powder
2 teaspoons salt
4 tablespoons white sugar
2/3 cup butter
1 1/2 cup milk (Adjust as needed - may need a little less or a little more.)
Preheat oven to 425 degrees. In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar. Cut in the shortening until the mixture resembles coarse meal. Gradually stir in milk until dough pulls away from the side of the bowl. Turn out onto a floured surface, and knead 15 to 20 times. Pat or roll dough out to 1 inch thick. Cut biscuits with a large cutter or juice glass dipped in flour. Repeat until all dough is used. Brush off the excess flour, and place biscuits onto an ungreased baking sheet. Bake for 13 to 15 minutes in the preheated oven, or until edges begin to brown.
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We went on a quick trip recently to meet friends in Michigan. My DH
needed to work a day in Nashville, so we drove north from there and made
some fun ...
6 months ago