Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Fiery Furnace S'More Snack Craft

Posted by Lori:

If you're looking for a VBS or Bible class snack craft for the "Fiery Furnace" Bible story (Daniel 3), this one is GREAT!  I found it online, but can't remember where right now (maybe Danielle's Place??).   For VBS, I bought a small toaster oven so that I could make the snacks in the classroom.  The students thought it was great making them and eating them, of course!

Here's what is needed for each snack:

1 graham cracker square
Approximately 10 chocolate chips
8 small marshmallows
4 Teddy Grahams (leave one off when cooking)

On top of graham cracker square, put the chocolate chips, marshmallows, and 3 Teddy Grahams.  Toast in 350 degree oven for 5 minutes, or until marshmallows are browned.  The Teddy Grahams should not burn......making them just like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego in the Fiery Furnace story.

One more person was in the fiery furnace and it looked like an "angel" or a "son of God".  When the s'more is done, remove the snack to a plate and place the 4th Teddy Graham on top.  This is the 4th person from the story (sent by God) and the one who saved the men from being burned. 

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