Posted by Lori:
Sunday after worship the "young adults" treated the "Senior Saints" to a Valentine's Banquet. I wanted to share some of the decorations with you. It was a vintage Valentine/music theme. The colors were white/ivory/black/silver.
This pennant was made with a large heart paper doily, then a smaller heart doily. Tucked into the edge of the smaller and between both hearts was torn pieces of an old song book.

I used more of the music pages for the centerpieces. I asked our preacher (and my brother-in-law) if he had seen any old song books around the building. Since he had just moved into the office, he knew right where some were. The former, now retired preacher had given him a stack of really old ones. Perfect! I used one whole book for the pennants, these paper hearts and wrappers for the inside candles.
The tables were set for five or six people each.
The whole theme/inspiration for this decor was based on these placemats I found at a little store in Altus, OK (Gems, etc.). You can find them at I found Valentine stamps at Walmart and stamped LOVE, Be Mine, and You're Sweet in the center of each plate. The centerpiece black/ivory papers are from the same line as the placemats.
Music hearts and silver heart confetti.
I made a lot of paper doily/music hearts to hang from the ceiling. Thanks to my husband for hanging all of them for me! He typically isn't a "decorator"!! These were double sided hearts (doilies glued together) then the music hearts were folded and glued on just right at the fold only, so that they would stick out some on each side of the fold.
Paper doilies with silver glitter also hung from above.
A few of these 3-D hearts were hung. Not many, but they were pretty!
Something about candles.....So pretty!
Close-up of the centerpieces.
Room from a distance...
Close-up of one pennant.
Close-up of hearts.
Little lace valance for a typically bare window.
Another view....
Dessert table!
The Senior Saints were served ham, green beans, potato casserole, bread, and homemade desserts. They played a "2 truths and 1 untruth" game. We guessed who was who. They also played a matching game using songs from the song book about "love". They matched the song title with a phrase from the song. So much fun! What a blessing those Seniors are to all of us!
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