I apologize for not posting in so long. I didn't realize just how long it had been. I'm not sure how often I will be posting this summer, but I will as often as possible. I figure it's okay that other things are my top priorities right now. And my biggest priority for the summer is spending time with my children while they are home.
We're enjoying the time. We're currently reading the book of James from the Bible each afternoon. After VBS the first week of summer break, we also began having a weekly Bible verse to memorize. That's something that we used to do all of the time, but hadn't done in a few years. It's been nice to get focused on what's most important! It's too easy to get caught up in the "stuff" and "busyness" of life.
Our VBS theme was called "Amazing Adventure". It was an "expedition" theme, so that's what I focused on in my class of 1st and 2nd graders. We searched for a coin, a bone, and a rock.
I had seen a really cute grass (real grass) terra cotta pot and planter scene, but our rye grass (Possibly because I started it too late, but also possible because I asked our middle two children to do this task and they didn't take their time doing it because they didn't WANT to do it!!) didn't grow too well, so I had to go to plan B. Maybe plan B was better, anyway! So the finished product turned out great! A small terra cotta pot sitting in a terra cotta planter....some potting soil, some little rocks, one big rock, then rolled moss cut to form on top and hot glued in place. The three crosses are sticks that are also hot glued together and glued into the moss.