Tuesday, November 13, 2012

"Coke' Float Centerpieces

At a recent youth retreat, the crafts were based on the '50's theme.  These "Coke" floats are easy to put together and the teens really enjoyed making them.  

You will need the following supplies:

White silk carnations
Light brown shredded paper
Red glittery pom pom ball
2 straws
Glass Coke cup (or parfait-looking glass).  This one came from Dollar Tree.

Place a small amount of shredded paper in bottom of cup, followed by a carnation (take it off the stem). Continue layers, ending with several carnations.  Insert two straws and top with the "cherry"!  If desired, use hot glue guns to secure the carnations to the paper.

After the centerpieces is used, the cup can still be used as a drinking glass!
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