Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Chili Bar!

Recently we had our church youth group over for a meal and devotional.  I wasn't sure what I was going to serve them at first, but my mom suggested something she had seen somewhere - a chili bar!
It worked out perfectly, and it was lots of fun!  We had chili, hot dogs, Frito chili pie, nachos, and baked potatoes (potatoes not shown) for options.  I used big and little stainless steel bowls for serving all of the foods and condiments.
If I had time, I would have liked to make a "CHILI BAR" banner and little signs for each of the bowls. It would have been cute, but I don't think the kids would have noticed!
They only cared about getting together, eating, and enjoying playing in the yard. :) After the meal, we sang and had a short devotional thought from my husband.  The "Chili Bar" will become a standard meal for the youth group.  Thanks, mom!

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