Things have changed in the past year. My sister went back to teaching school and has enough "thinking" to do, without having to write a blog post every week. My mom recently moved and had gotten to the point it was more stressful for her to try to come up with something than it was to just quit. So basically, for the past several months, it's just been me. And to be quite honest, I'm all reciped out! (No it isn't a word. I made it up! I can do that since it's my blog (ha ha!).
So here's what I'm going to do. I'll share recipes still.....when I'm able to, but I'll also share some crafts and decorating ideas like I've done in the past.....but I'll be adding just posts about the home or family. I write a devotional blog (Shine Like Stars - so it won't be that, but just things that hopefully give you a cheerful or inspiring thought as you go throughout your day. I'll post at least three times a week, for the most part.
I welcome your comments and suggestions. I appreciate your following of our blog whether by subscription via email, blog feed, Facebook, or others that I have no clue about. If you decide to unsubscribe I won't be don't worry about that.
Thanks for your support during the past 3-plus years! I look forward to sharing with you!
Yes, sometimes we must adapt!